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September 27, 2021 - Get familiar with the lost and found pet pages in your area. It is one of our favorite things about social media. We have had a crazy couple of weeks and were happy to have an unexpected win today when we reunited Cookie with her loving family.



August 18, 2021 - We looked up to find our friends dog walking around with Micki in his mouth. We hope that when you find yourself in times of trouble, someone will be there to help you out, offer you a safe place to rest, cool water to quench your thirst and a good snack to help you gain your strength back. Micki is fine and was happy to be released back out in the wild after one night of rehab.

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August 5, 2021 - DARN just arrived in New Jersey to help our friends at Save An Angel retrieve their cargo van and get it back to Texas. No animals traveled back with us but on the way here it was loaded with dozens of cats from the massive cat rescue they are working through. The cats were transported with a volunteer at the receiving rescue and once on route it was determined the SAA driver (who happens to be a member of their veterinary staff wasn't going to make it back in time for their spay & neuter clinic. We received word and jumped (or in this case flew) in to help. 


August 2, 2021 - 911 CAT RESCUE - Calling All Partners

Save An Angel was alerted to an overwhelmed owner who needed major assistance with an initial guesstimate of 140 felines but could possibly top 200. They spent yesterday assessing the home & cats and pulled the most critical. DARN was on site at today's Spay & Neuter Clinic to try and help in any way possible. SAA need's to move a large number of cats as quickly as possible to prevent upper respiratory infection, sling and intestinal parasites from affecting the tiny kittens. Additionally, there is also a young male who needs medical attention. Here is how we can best support them and this massive undertaking:

1. FOSTER HOMES NEEDED - Please fill out an application at

2. You can help DONATE towards emergency medical care and

3. SUPPLIES - SAA will be posting an Amazon wishlist of supplies needed to facilitate the care of these felines.

4. PARTNERING ORGANIZATIONS open to receiving cats from this home. The owner is very grateful for SAA's assistance and will be working with them to move all but 4 of the cats from the home. The four staying are older and moving them could prove too stressful. Message Save An Angel directly if you are a rescue or organization that can help with intaking any of the cats/kittens.


July 9, 2021 - WOW, we have such amazing friends! We were recently gifted an assortment of hospital grade cleaners that are an essential part of everything we do and we should mention Crazy Expensive! We are SO excited for the betazyme which is an enzyme eater and will help get the smell out of the kennels and make transporting so much more pleasant, lol. Thank you Amy & Diana, we could not appreciate this most thoughtful donation more!!!

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June 28, 2021 - We showed up during a torrential downpour but we showed up! Thanks to our friends Amy & Diana for supporting our July 4th dog treat drive. We were able to purchase the shelter a box full of rawhide free treats to keep the dogs occupied when they are stressed out over fireworks.

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June 26, 2021 - While we feel like we have pretty extensive trap training we have never utilized drop traps. They are a totally different beast but are very good for specific situations. Community Cats was having a training session on them and we were happy to be able to attend.

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May 6, 2021 - So thankful for our friends at Austin Vet Care! The vets, staff and clientele continue to collect donations for DARN that allow us to distribute to those in need.

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April 10, 2021 - We had a great day volunteering at Save An Angel's Low Cost Rabies Vaccine Clinic. We even earned brownie points by starting the medical teams day off with donuts and coffee!.

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April 3, 2021 - We attended Neighborhood Cats TNR Certification Workshop. No matter how long you have been practicing TNR its always good to keep up with newer processes and make sure we stay up to date. 

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Feb 2021 - We made a monetary gift towards a hip replacement fundraiser for Brody. While we don't typically assist with personal fundraisers, Brody is a rescue dog owned by a single mother and young son. They chose to move forward with the most expensive surgical option in order to give Brody the very best quality of life and that is something we wanted to support.  


Jan 2021 - We were able to gift Save An Angel a rear door step down for their cargo van. This additional steps allows users, and large animals, to more easily loading and unload.  

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September 15, 2020 - This is our new friend, Jamie. She is new to Lockhart Shelter and came in extremely scared of people. She has had wonderful care trying to ease her overwhelming fear. Today we took a turn just sitting in the outside run and inside kennel with her. Sometimes we talked and petted her, sometimes we just sat quietly with her. Slowly her shaking is subsiding and she leans in for comfort. She will make someone the very best companion once she finds the right human she can trust. We couldn't leave without dropping off some canned food for the dogs and cats, bones for the dogs and even some treats for the humans. They do great work here, please don't overlook small rural shelters when looking for a companion animal.

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September 15, 2020 - Another great donation from our friends at Austin Vet Care on Metric!

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September 5, 2020 - We were shopping for supplies for our upcoming trip to help with the aftermath of Hurricane Laura. The Tractor Supply in Lockhart, with the assistance of manager, Keith, HOOKED US UP with almost a pallet full of miscellaneous dog and cat food that a vendor said could be donated. We are beyond grateful and am certain many animals in Louisiana and Texas will be also. Can't thank them enough!!!


September 3, 2020 - We wanted to share a special thanks to our friends at Willow Springs Recovery who got new linens and gifted us all of their old towels, washcloths and blankets. It was quite a bit and they were in great shape. They will definitely help us and several other deserving organizations and we are so grateful for their thoughtfulness!

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August, 2020 - Our friend, and Director, Ellen, really stepped up to ensure that we had all of the basic safety equipment we needed out in the field. Many of the items she donated were put to good use when we responded to Hurricane Laura. 


August 11, 2020 - Lots of thanks to our friends at Sanctuary in the Woods for asking us to guest host this weeks online session dedicated to companion animals and COVID. The attendees were urged to submit pet photos for a variety of photo contests and we were able to share DARN's mission and how animals, shelters and rescues have been affected by COVID. 

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April 23, 2020 - Denice wanted to celebrate her birthday by bringing treats to some of our favorite animal advocates. We made it to the Lockhart and Bastrop Shelters and then headed to our friends at Bastrop Veterinary Hospital to spread a little sunshine.  


March 3, 2020 - We wanted to give a huge thanks to our friend and supporter Carol. Carol works with the Texas Department of Health and they donated 3 large cases of blankets and hand towels (4 dozen of each) that we will use for our Emergency Response Team. They will definitely come in handy!


January 26, 2020 - We enjoyed attending the 2020 Online Cat Conference. Ellie was so happy that she made it on the big screen and is finally getting the recognition she deserves.

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December 1, 2019 - Lil Bub has passed and our hearts are broken. Please keep Mike, Stacy and their family in your thoughts and prayers. This is one special family and we are honored to have the priviledge to know them and to have been part of many of Bub's projects. Her amazing life provided us with amazing memories and will continue to push us as we move forward with our animal advocacy work. Good Job, Bub, you will be missed.

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